Several standard, low-level libraries are defined for C. Their contents are declared in standard header files, which should be included in source files that use them. When a binary executable is built, the library binaries have to be explicitly linked to the executable by the compiler.
In Unix, get full info for a given function by typing
man funcname
stdlib |
memory allocation integer functions ( abs, div ,)some system functions ( exit, abort, getenv ,
stdio |
formatting text output; file manipulation and I/O |
string | string manipulation, comparison; memory compare/copy/move |
math | floating-point math functions |
time | date and time |
ctype | types of characters (upper/lower case, space, digit, etc.) |
assert | the assert macro |
errno | error description for many library functions |
stdarg | allows variable numbers of arguments for functions |
limits | limits on integer types |
float | limits on floating-point types |
signal | Unix signals |
setjmp | means of return from deeply nested function call |
locale | character sets, multi-byte characters, alphabetization |
other libraries
unistd |
environ, exec, exit, fork, getcwd, gethostename, getlogin,
nice, pipe, sleep, usleep , etc.
sys/* |
fcntl, socket, wait ,
X11/* | XWindows |
etc., etc., etc. |