Stevan White

Personal Information

Sex: Male

Birthday: October 6, 1958

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Health: Excellent


guitar, frisbee, swimming, bicycling, conversation, reading; also dabble in math and physics

Recent authors

Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain, Henry Stanley, P. G. Wodehouse, Paulo Coelho

Dana Sobel, Max Born, Harry Mulisch, Thucydides

ee cummings, Freud, HG Wells, Einstein

Oliver Sacks, Stephen Jay Gould, Milan Kundera, Gabriel García Márquez

Arundhati Roy, Borjes, Jeff Noon, J. D. Salinger


I am interested in languages. I speak German (functionally but brokenly) and took courses in:

French, Mandarin Chinese, Latin, Spanish, Russian, Italian and Greek.