Zipcon Dial-up Setup
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Setting up your Dial-up Connection
Zipcon Dial-up Numbers

    Most newer computers already have all the software needed to use the Internet. Here are documents on setting up dial-up on the Mac, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows NT.
    Don't forget to set up your email software too.

    If you are using Windows 3.x, or have an older release of Windows 95 here is preconfigured software for Windows 3.x and Windows 95 that includes Internet Explorer.

    Phone numbers

    The most common Zipcon modem dial-up phone numbers are as follows:

    206-384-4050 Seattle V.90, K56Flex and ISDN

    425-645-0040 Everett V.90, K56Flex and ISDN

    253-650-0040 Tacoma V.90, K56Flex and ISDN

    If your area is not covered by the above numbers, please see the full list of Zipcon dial-up numbers.

    To manually configure your software, please be sure to set the following.

IP Address: (dynamic) Netmask:
Domain: MTU/MRU: 296 through 1500
Name server addr: Secondary DNS:
(if using Win 95 or Win 98 please specify server assigned IP and name server addresses)
SMTP/POP3 (mail):

    Technical Stuff

    PPP is the Point-to-Point Protocol. CSLIP is the Serial Line Internet Protocol with compression. Using PPP or CSLIP you receive IP packets off the Internet as a live host. Your computer actually becomes part of the Internet.

    Zipcon has dial-up networking support using PAP authentication. This means that you have the option of logging in over the PPP connection. You don't need any kind of script at all, just have your software dial the number 206-384-4050 and start PPP as soon as you connect.

    Once the connection is established, the login name and password are sent via the PPP protocol before an active session can begin. For this to work, you must have software that has support for the PAP protocol, have it enabled, and have filled in your login name and password in the correct case (usually lowercase) in the appropriate entry fields.

    When using dial-up networking (PAP), you must NOT enter a P before your login name . The P is only used to manually start PPP or via a script login. Dial-up networking is a different way of starting PPP.

    If you don't use PAP to enable PPP on Zipcon, please login with a capital 'P' in front of your login name (password is the same). Use a capital S for CSLIP. For instance, the subscriber with a login of 'john' and password 'x75tU!' would login as follows:

    Zipcon login: Pjohn
    Password: x75tU! <---- the password never actually echos

    PPP will start immediately after login, there will be no prompts to wait for. With CSLIP, your dynamically allocated IP address will be displayed.

Have FUN!!!

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