Use UFW to set up an iptables firewall on Linux

Enable UFW:

sudo su
ufw enable

The default policy on my Ubuntu-based system is that all incoming network connections are denied, and all outgoing connections are allowed. Programs can see out to the Internet, but they can't see in. I want to be able to connect from other devices in my local network to certain services on my computer, however. (This is not a general purpose server.)

Put in rules to allow local access to HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH, with IPv6 access also for each:

ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 22 comment SSH
ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 80 comment HTTP
ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 443 comment HTTPS
ufw allow proto tcp from fd00::/8 to any port 22 comment "SSH IPv6"
ufw allow proto tcp from fd00::/8 to any port 80 comment "HTTP IPv6"
ufw allow proto tcp from fd00::/8 to any port 443 comment "HTTPS IPv6"

Display a nice report of the firewall status and rules:

ufw status
Status: active

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
22/tcp                     ALLOW             # SSH
80/tcp                     ALLOW             # HTTP
443/tcp                    ALLOW             # HTTPS
22/tcp                     ALLOW       fd00::/8                   # SSH IPv6
80/tcp                     ALLOW       fd00::/8                   # HTTP IPv6
443/tcp                    ALLOW       fd00::/8                   # HTTPS IPv6

Start over from scratch, remove all rules and disable UFW:

ufw reset