Russian Names for Kinds of North American Birds
Русские Названия Северных Американских Птиц
Caveat: I am no expert on this subject, nor a native Russian speaker. I just collected the information and organized it to the best of my abilities.
I used a page called “redstart’s Multilingual Checklist of North American Birds” (which I haven’t been able to find again.)
The Yaroslavl State University department of biology used to keep a species list, that was very helpful in compiling this information. But YSU has since been Wiki-ified, with the usual resultant loss of useful information. Unfortunately, the Wayback machine captured only its top level, and lost the encoding, which should be Windows-1251 (cpcp1251).
English | Russian | note |
blackbird | чёрный дрозд | see thrush |
grackle | ||
buzzard | сарыч | |
cardinal | североамериканский кардинал | |
grosbeak | ||
coot | лысука | |
for gallinule, moorhen | ||
пастушок | rail, also means “shepard” | |
cormorant | баклан | |
cuckoo | кукушка | |
crane | журавль | |
creeper | ||
crow | ворона | also means “thief” |
dove | also for “pigeon”, also used to mean “simpleton” | голубь |
for turtle-dove, etc. | ||
duck | утка | |
кряква | mallard | |
чернеть | scaup, ferruginous, etc. | |
широконоска | shoveller | |
крохаль | merganser | |
чирок | teal | |
eagle | орёл | connection to oriole? |
falcon | сокол | |
finch | зяблик | |
чиж | siskin | |
клест | crossbill | |
flycatcher | мухоловка | (мух “fly”, ловка “trap”) |
оливковый тиранн | pewee | |
пчелоед | kingbird (пчела “bee” едок “eater”?) | |
goose | гусь | |
казарка | brant, canada goose | |
grebe | поганка | also means “toadstool”? |
grouse | рябчик | |
gull | чайка | |
крачка | tern | |
hawk | ястреб | |
heron | цапля | also for egret |
hummingbird | колибри | compare with Spanish |
ibis | ибис | |
jay | сойка | |
kingfisher | зимородок | (зим “winter”, род “birth”?) |
kite | коршун | |
lark | жаворонок | |
loon | гагара | |
magpie | сорока | note: сорок is “forty”?? |
mockingbird | пересмешник | (“mocker”) |
owl | сова | |
сыч | horned | |
nighthawk | ||
nuthatch | поползень | |
oriole | иволга | |
partridge | куропатка | |
pelican | пеликан | |
pheasant | фазан | |
pigeon | see dove | |
pipit | конек | |
plover | ржанка | |
quail | триперстки | |
raven | ворон | see crow |
sandpiper | перевозчик | also means “ferryman”. several names for other species |
бекас | snipe | |
веретенник | godwit | |
shrike | сорокопут | also see magpie |
sparrow | воробей | |
овсянка | emberezids including bunting | |
towhee | ||
овсянка юнко | junco | |
starling | скворец | |
stork | аист | |
swallow | ласточка | |
swan | лебедь | |
swift | стриж | |
tanager | танагра | |
thrush | дрозд | |
синяя птица | bluebird…have also seen лазурная птица “azure bird” | |
странствующий дрозд | american robin (“wandering thrush”) | |
tit | синица | |
vireo | ||
vulture | стервятник | |
warbler | пеночка | (many other types) |
gnatcatcher | ||
waxwing | свиристель | (свир “fierce” стель “shelf”?) |
woodpecker | дятел | |
wren | крапивник | (крапив “nettle”) |