Spanish Names for Kinds of North American Birds
Nombres Españoles para las clases de pájaros norteamericanos

This is a list of the English and Spanish names of different kinds of common birds, rather than the species names.

Of course, the genetic accuracy of the generic terms in Spanish is no greater than in English. Also, the groups are divided differently in Spanish and English. Another thing: diminutives are used fast and loose in Spanish. Sometimes a diminutive will denote a different kind of bird, and sometimes simply means the bird is cute.

There seem to be few good sites on the web that relate English bird names with their Spanish counterparts. However, there are many that relate the Spanish names with the offical Latin names.

According to Infonatura, there are no standard Spanish common names for birds.

Here are some nice links, some of which I used as references:

Pärajos/Aves de Michoacan

Freedict Spanish - English Dictionary

Museo de las Aves de México



Caveat: I am no expert on this subject, nor a native Spanish speaker. I just collected the information and organized it to the best of my abilities.

wild birds / pájaros salvajes
blackbird mirlo red-winged is “turpial de agua„ or “tordo sargento„
tordo cabeza café cowbird
pradero meadowlark
zanate, clarinero grackle
booby sula
buzzard buitre
cardinal cardenal
picogrueso, picogordo, realejo grosbeak
colorín bunting
coot fúlica
polluela, ralón, ralo, rascón, gallineta rail
gallareta crake, also for american coot
cormorant cormorán
anhinga anhinga
cuckoo cuco, cuclillo
correcaminos roadrunner
garrapatero ani
crane grúa
creeper treparriscos, trepadorcito
crow cuervo also for raven
dove paloma also for many pigeons
tórtola, tortóla turtle-dove
duck pato
patito bufflehead
cerceta teal
porrón ferruginous, scaup
negrón scoter
serreta merganser
eagle aguila, águila
falcon halcón also see hawk
finch pinzón
piquituerto crossbill
lúgano, jilguero siskin
flycatcher papamoscas
tirano kingbird
mosquero phoebe, becard
contopus pewee
gnatcatcher perlita, encinerito
régulo, reyezuelo, abadejo kinglet
goose ansar
grebe zampullín, zambullidor “diver”?
grouse urogallo
gull gaviota, gavión
golondrina marina, charrán, fumarel tern
salteador jaeger
rayador skimmer
hawk aguililla, guaraguíto Also see: falcon
caracara caracara
milano kite
gavilán cooper’s and sharp-shinned
heron garza, garcita also bittern
garcilla, garceta, garzón egret
hummingbird colibrí
chupaflora, chupaflor green violet-ear, blue-throated, amethist-throated
amazilia berylline, cinnamon, violet-crowned
heliomaster plain-capped starthroat
ibis ibis, coco also spoonbill
jay chara, arrendajo, grajo, querre-querre
kingfisher martín pescador
lark alondra,
loon patán -- bobo, tonto -- somorgujo
magpie urraca picaraza
mockingbird centzontle, sinsonte ? paraulata arrendajo
nighthawk chotacabras cabullero
tapacamino poorwill, nightjar
nuthatch trepador, sita
oriole bolsero, chorcha, chiltote
owl lechuza barn, burrowing
tecolote flammulated, screech, whiskered, vermiculated, burrowing, saw-whet
tecolotito pygmy, elf
cárabo tawny
búho eagle owl, long-eared, short-eared
mochuelo little owl, tengmalm’s
partridge perdiz also for many doves
pelican pelicano
pheasant faisán
pigeon paloma, pichón see also dove
pipit bisbita
plover chorlo, chorlito, chorlitejosee also sandpiper
tildío killdeer
jacana jacana
ostrero oystercatcher
quail codorniz also bobwhite
raven cuervo same as crow: raven is “cuervo grande„
robin petirrojo
sandpiper playero, playerito
pihuiuí willet
avefría lapwing
correlimos sandpiper, stint, knot, sanderling
vuelvepiedras turnstone
falaropo phalarope
agachona, agachadiza snipe
zarapito curlew, whimbrel
aguja godwit
avoceta avocet, black-necked stilt
patamarilla yellowlegs
costurero dowitcher
shrike alcaudón, verdugo
sparrow gorrión, chimbito also for junco
toquí, semillerotowhee
starling estornino
stork cigüeña, cigueena also for stilt
swallow golondrina also for martin; see also tern
swan cisne
swift vincejo
tanager tángara
thrush tordo, zorzal, zorzalito
azulejo bluebird
clarín solitaire
tit Herrerillo, Carbonero, and others
baloncillo verdin
paro, dulzura chickadee
sastrecito bushtit
trogón trogon
turkey guajolote, pavo
vireo vireo, vireon
vulture buitre, aura, carroñero
warbler chipe, chirpe also for waterthrush
waxwing ampelis, capuchino
woodpecker pico, carpintero, carpinterillo
trepador ivory-billed, white-striped, spot-crowned
wren troglodita, chochin
chivirín house, rock, canyon, marsh, bewick’s
matraca cactus, boucard’s, spotted, gray