Spanish Concerning Birds
Español de los pájaros
people and birds / los hombres y los pájaros
An excellent on-line translator: Traductor
bird-watcher | observador(a) de aves |
birdhouse, bird cage, aviary | pajarera |
bird cage, aviary | pajarera, aviario |
coop | gallinero |
about birds / sobre los pájaros
fowl, bird | la ave | |
nest | nido, nidal | “nidal„ is special for hens |
to nest | anidar | |
roost | gallinero | |
to perch | posarse | |
aerie (of an eagle) | ||
beak, bill | pico | |
craw | ||
gizzard | ||
feather | pluma | |
to pluck | desplumar | |
fledge | ||
to moult | mudar | |
down | plumón, flojel? | |
wing | ala | |
foot | ||
crest, comb | cresta | |
fledgling | pajarito | |
to flock | ||
flock | bandada | |
flight | vuelo | |
to fly | volar | |
to flutter | revolotear | |
soaring | remontar el vuelo | |
to migrate | emigrar | |
to peck | picar | |
to dabble | ||
to preen | arreglarse las plumas | |
to lay eggs | poner huevos | |
to hatch | empollar | |
to brood | empollar | |
clutch |
bird sounds / los gritos de pájaros
caw | graznar | ||
coo | arrullar | ||
cry | grito | a generic bird sound | |
cackle | cacarear | cacareo | |
cluck | cloquear | cloqueo | |
chatter | parlotear | parloteo | |
hoot | ulular | ululato | |
honk | graznar | ||
gobble | gluglutear | ||
moan | gemir | gemido | as doves ? |
screech | chillar | chillido | |
tweet; peep; twitter | piar | pío | |
chirp; warble | gorjear | gorjeando | |
quack | graznar | graznido | |
whistle | silbar | silbido |
domestic fowl / aves doméstica
goose | el ganso | |
el ansarón | “gosling” | |
turkey | pavo | |
chicken | el pollo | |
la gallina | “hen” | |
el gallo | “rooster” | |
la polluelo | “chick” | |
duck | anade | “drake” |
pata | “duck” | |
pato | “drake” | |
el anadón, patito | “duckling” | |
guinea hen | gallina de Guinea |
zoo birds / aves del zoo
flamingo | flamenco | |
ostrich | la avestruz | |
parrot | loro, papagayo | |
peacock | pavo real |
sayings involving birds / dichos de los aves
Got some of this from
English Idioms including animals and a selection of idiomatic expressions, by José Yñesta C.
Text in quotes indicates a term or phrase in common use in the language. Other text is translation or explanation.
una joven hermana | “a bird” (referring to a person) |
una persona tonto | “bird-brain” |
sin valor | “for the birds” |
“matar dos pájaros de una pedrada„ | “to kill two birds with one stone” |
“más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando„ | “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” |
“cada quien con su cada cual„ | “birds of a feather flock together” |
“al que madruga Dios lo ayuda„ | “the early bird gets the worm” |
libre como un pájaro | “free as a bird” |
en línea recta | “as the crow flies” |
no hay que vender la piel del oso antes de haberlo matado | “don’t count your chickens before they are hatched” |
calvo como un huevo | “to be bald as an egg” |
ser cubierto en burla | “to have egg on one’s face” |
“like walking on eggshells” | |
ud no puede hacer una tortilla sin romper huevos | “you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs” |
una vista panorámica | “bird’s-eye view” |
ojo de lince | “eagle-eye” |
“carne de gallina„ | “goose pimples” |
“matar la gallina de los huevos de oro„ | “to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs” |
muy raro (o inexistente) | “like hen’s teeth” |
temprano por la mañana | “when the cock crows” |
… no es una cabrita | “… no spring chicken” |
“una golondrina no hace el verano„ | “one swallow doesn’t make a summer” |