I know that this is a litle bit macabre, but there are some that are interested in the final resting places of various personalities. I was never a huge fan of Bruce or Brandon Lee, but I know that they are loved throughout the world. But when it comes to Jimi, I'll always be a big fan! I have 3 main pages here, one each for Bruce, Brandon and Jimi. Each contains photos of the grave site and directions on how to get there via Metro Transit from downtown Seattle. There exists a conection between these 3 people. Jimi went to Garfield High School in Seattle's Central District, and if he would have graduated, would have done so in 1961. Bruce Lee met his future wife, Linda Emery, class of '63, when he gave a guest lecture on Chinese philosophy at Garfield. So, Linda went to the same High School as Jimi, married Bruce, and gave birth to Brandon. In addition, Bruce and Jimi also shared the same birthday, November 27th, though Bruce was two years older. Garfield also produced another music great, Quincy Jones, as well as an Olympic skiing bronze medalist from the '84 Olympics, Debbie (?) Armstrong, and Ishmael "Butterfly" Butler of the rap group "Digable Planets". Sorry, Curt Cobain was cremated and never buried. Courtney Love discussed having Curts ashes buried in the same cemetery as Bruce and Brandon, but there were too many concerns of crowds disrupting the grounds. Another site in Seattle, a Catholic cemetery, was rejected for similar reasons. I don't believe that it is commonly know what Courtney has done with Curts remains, if anything.

This page will soon be updated to have more focus on Jimi, so bookmark my main page and get to here from there.

Bruce Brandon Jimi

back to Brian...(still alive!)(I hope!!!)