"working to prevent the continued loss
of low income and affordable housing in our community"
City Hall News:
click on headlines for full stories
SDC releases comprehensive report showing at least 1250
low income and affordable units threatened by proposed University District
click here for link to the full report
click here for city document
showing properties likely to be redeveloped in the event of highrise
upzoning in the District
Outside City Hall: South Lake Union Streetcar needs
third Bailout (October 2014)
click here for our column
Click here for city memo highlighting
the streetcar shortfall, a list of 2015-2020 City Light Capital Projects
totalling $464 million and how your rates will be affected, and a full list
of South Lake Union projects being funded by the city that totals a billion
If Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) goes
through with its recently announced plan euphemistically called “Stepping
Forward”, the agency would instantly turn into the city’s biggest rent
Seattle at record levels of growth and more than enough
residential capacity yet many more upzones slated for our neighborhoods:
how many more existing low income housing units will be lost as a result of
runaway growth?
click here
for chart:
Jan - 2014:
Outside City Hall: Our 2014 Wish List - Curb runaway growth, make developers
pay their fair share
Now is not
the time to politely request this or that of our elected officials to make
city policy slightly less onerous; it’s time to insist upon the whole ball
of wax. Here’s what should be our neighborhood mantra, demanded at all
council hearings, forums, workshops and committee meetings
click here to ink for full story (and take a
look at our 3 parter on the density debate that follows)
The Density Debate: 3 part series reprinted from columns contained in
Pacific Publishing Newspapers (March, May, August columns):
click here for link to all three
Part 1: "Runaway growth threatens
Seattle's livability but pro-growth lobby demands still more -expososing
the myth that Seattle isn't bearing its fair share of the region's growth"
Part 2: Density does NOT produce affordable housing: Instead of
"trickle down" it means
displacement, gentrification, more homelessness, and an accelerated loss of our
existing low income housing stock
Part 3: Despite push for more
density, Seattle workers are fleeing to the suburbs - Runaway
growth in Seattle accentuates sprawl and auto dependency in the region when
by contrast, a poly-centered or multi-activity centered approach to regional
growth is the only environmentally sustainable option
These articles were written for Outside
City Hall Column by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
July 2013 Outside City Hall:
Voting for the neighborhoods' mayor
"a look at the top candidates for Mayor and who will best represent our
Click here for a critique of the top Mayoral candidates
and where they stand on neighborhood and economic justice issues
Millions in tax revenues lost due to Multi-Family
Tax Exemption Program
June 2013: Coalition files on June 19th
a complaint
with State Auditor calling for an investigation into Assessor Practices that
may have led to the loss millions in city, county, and state tax revenues
due to that office's failure to adjust tax rates to compensate for tens of
millions in property tax exemptions given to developers under the State's
Multi-Family Tax Exemption (MFTE) program as authorized under state law (RCW
84.14). click here to read the complaint
Or to read full story on the problem and how millions
in state, county, and city tax revenues may have been lost for years due to
"administrative error" click here
Also see June 7th City Office of Housing memo
acknowledging problem here
Proposed "TIF" law would rob city's tax base for special
reprinted from June
2012 issue of City Living
Tax Increment
Financing. Ever heard of it? “TIF” as it has come to be called may be
headed soon to your community, unless citizen groups organize to block it
during the next session of the Washington State Legislature. What’s the
problem? TIF threatens to drain millions from already shortchanged
municipal budgets and, like many of the worst urban planning schemes we’ve
seen of late, it’s being promoted under the banner of “Transit Oriented
for full story click here:
May 2012: Outside City Hall
Density does NOT produce affordable housing: instead in Seattle it means
displacement and gentrification
For our most recent
column however (reprinted below from the last issue of City Living Pacific
Publishing neighborhood papers), we're focusing on another canard that
pro-density forces have factored into the debate - the claim that by simply
unleashing the market, adding unlimited densities, it will produce more
affordable housing. This isn't a new argument. It rears its head every decade
or so, and then soon it's dismissed by all but the most zealous developers and
freshman economics majors.
click here for full story
Press Release March 28th,
SHA wants over $100 million from the City to complete their Yesler Terrace
Redevelopment Project
- including monies from our Parks Levy, Housing Levy, MFTE Tax Breaks, Bridging
the Gap, and more!
To top it off the project will not guarantee replacement of all public
housing to be removed on site
here for chart to see why SHA can complete the project without use of any city funding!
March 2012 Outside City Hall Column:
"Homelessness has one cause: the loss of low income
housing" - Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
In spite of a “Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness,” a combined city-county
outlay above $50 million annually, and over 50 programs (and easily 2000 staff)
providing shelter, counseling, case management and services, the number of
homeless continues its steady climb upward.
Why, despite such extraordinary effort and expenditure, does the problem
continue to grow?
$66 million in MFTE Tax Breaks in last year: developer giveaways now exceed
amount of 2009 housing levy
click here for chart
Seattle reaches 73% of 20-year 2024 Growth Target in under 7
years! Our current zoning has more than twice the capacity needed to
accommodate our 2024 target but pro-density developer interests say that's not enough and call for
still more upzones and other "developer incentives"
Click here for updated growth report showing most
city neighborhoods targeted for upzones already are facing high rates of growth
Outside City Hall Sept. 2011:
Job Growth in South Lake Union Greatly Exaggerated
see costs
click here for full story:
Reprinted from the North Seattle Herald and other Pacific Publishing
Newspapers - August 2011
Outside City Hall: by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
Call your Councilmembers Now!
Tell them you do not favor placing a 20-year $80 dollar increase in our
car tab fees on the Fall ballot!
- Most of the dollars WILL NOT
be used to cover our city's backlog of critical bridge and road repairs and
likely will compete directly with the County's two year 20 dollar car tab
increase on the November ballot which is needed to maintain area bus service
and the Families and Education Levy! Tell them NO to a 20-year $80
dollar increase - with few built-in controls on how that money will be spent
- Keep it off the ballot this
year, replace the current advisory committee stacked with downtown and
development interests, make sure most of the dollars go to critical bridge
and road repairs, cut the amount and length of it in half, and match amounts
this will raise with developer impact fees to so developers pay their fair
for full story click here:
Reprinted from the North Seattle Herald
and other Pacific Publishing Newspapers - July 2011
Outside City Hall:
A look back at the best of the best: City Councilmembers
from our past who truly represented us
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest
City Councilmember of all? For over 35 years, I’ve closely followed the City
Council races and listened to hundreds of candidates’ speeches and pledges.
They all tell us they are going to do something for our transportation woes,
make city hall more accessible, guarantee jobs and improve public safety.
But among past councilmembers, there have been a
few who’ve risen to the top and shown true leadership. Rather than
evaluating incumbents seeking re-election and their challengers, we thought
now might be a good time to honor these past great ones in hopes that more
of their qualities will rub off on the current crop.
click here
for full story
OUTSIDE CITY HALL | Power grab on Roosevelt
Alliance of developers, 'greens' want to wipe out Roosevelt's
neighborhood plan
By John V. Fox and Carolee Colter
Columnists (June 15, 2011)
No matter how much density a neighborhood accepts, it will never be enough
for some people.
Take the letter sent June 3 from a small group calling itself “Leadership
for Great Neighborhoods” (LGN). It urges the mayor to overthrow the
democratically developed Roosevelt neighborhood plan in favor of its own
vision of “much higher densities” around a rail stop planned for that
The Roosevelt neighborhood plan, first adopted in 1999 and reworked over the
last several months, is a product of hundreds of hours of community input,
created through countless negotiations and compromises with city planners.
Residents lobbied hard to relocate a rail station closer to their business
district and recently agreed to a modest increase in allowed densities
around the station.
for full story click
link here to report
Outside City Hall: Yesler Terrace far from being the touted
'sustainable' project
- reprinted from North Seattle Herald and other Pacific Publishing Newpapers
(June 2, 2011)
by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
Recently Seattle Housing
Authority’s (SHA) board unanimously approved moving forward with
redevelopment of Yesler Terrace. The 561 units of public housing on the
28-acre site just north of Harborview will be wiped out and replaced with as
many as 5000 units of mostly high-end apartments and condominiums.
SHA has committed to replacing
only 490 of those public housing units. That’s less than one in ten of the
new units serving the poorest and neediest households in our city. About a
million square feet of office space and 80,000 square feet of retail also
are planned.
click here for full story
May 2011: Reprinted from the May 4th edition of North Seattle Press and
other Pacific Publishing Newspapers
Rewriting history of Pacific Place Parking
Garage Scandal
The Pacific
Place Parking Garage is in the news again. Readers may recall the mid-90’s
scandal surrounding this facility that cost the city $23 million in
overpayments to developers, diverted Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
funds. Let's correct the history they're trying to rewrite about this.
Click here for
full story
April 2011: Reprinted from April 5th Edition of North Seattle
Press & Other Pacific Publishing Newspapers
"Calling all challengers - your recipe for
a City Council bid"
Well, it looks like all five Seattle City Council
incumbents - Bruce Harrell, Jean Godden, Sally Clark, Tom Rasmussen and Tim
Burgess - will be seeking re-election this fall. It’s a daunting task in
Seattle to run against and defeat an incumbent. Our advice to challengers:
click here for
full story
March 2011:
$38.6 Million! That's how much eleven developers will receive
getting in under the wire for MFTE tax subsidies under old rules
click here
After learning that
the City Council was about to make a modest adjustment in the Multi-Family
Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program, eleven developers lined up at the City's Office
of Housing and obtained $38.6 million in tax breaks before
the new rules were adopted. These costs will be passed on directly to other
taxpayers county-wide and city-wide. Reportedly, another two developers
followed suit but no city records are yet available nor how much this will
add to the taxpayer's price tag. For the list of those ten obtaining these tax
breaks and more on this story
click here
Reprinted from Feb 1,
2011 Edition of North Seattle Herald and other Pacific Publishing
SHA Veering from its mission to help
the poor
City would lose low
income units, money with Yesler Terrace redevelopment
According to King
County’s 2010 Housing Benchmarks report, in Seattle there are about 30,000
households with incomes at or below 30% of median ($23,150 for a 3-person
household). Yet, the report says, there are only 310 unsubsidized units in
all of King County renting at levels affordable to this income group.
This stunning
shortfall of affordable housing for poor people is a prime example of what
economists call “market failure.” And it demonstrates the crucial role of
subsidized public housing.
here for full story
34th, 26th, 37th, and 43rd District Democrats
overwhelmingly endorse call for "No Net loss On-Site"
click here for groups and individuals to date supporting that call
Outside City Hall (January
Our Predictions for the
Coming Year – Starting with the Deep Bore Tunnel
(A shorter version appears in this
issue of Pacific Publishing newspapers)
- John V. Fox and Carolee Colter
This is the time pundits and
columnists write their predictions for the coming year. Since everyone is
doing it, here are some of our predictions for 2011 and beyond here in
Seattle. We’ll let you decide whether our prophecy is true or an
for full story click here:
OUTSIDE CITY HALL | A neighborhood manifesto for change
- Carolee Colter and John V. Fox (reprinted from Dec 1, 2010 edition of Pacific
Publishing Co. Newspapers)
Looking ahead to the 2011 Seattle City Council election, it’s not too early to
start thinking about how to make City Hall more responsive to our neighborhoods
and the cause of social justice.
The five seats now occupied by councilmembers Tom Rasmussen, Jean Godden, Tim
Burgess, Bruce Harrell and Sally Clark will be contested.
Early next year, housing and neighborhood activists expect to convene an ad hoc
group to discuss whether to run our own candidates in any of these races or find
other ways to make all our electeds more sympathetic to our needs.
click here for full
Attention: 580 Public Housing Units At Stake!
Update of SHA's Plans for Yesler Terrace
(reprinted from November 29th edition of the Seattle Post Globe)
November 2010: An Updated Report on SHA's plans for Yesler Terrace and
surrounding community. Will it turn into another HOPE VI-like debacle with
hundreds of millions of limited housing dollars going to redevelop the last of
our historic garden communities only to come out at the other end with a loss of
hundreds of very low income units most needed in our city?
Two weeks ago, Seattle Housing Authority Director Tom
Tierney briefed City Councilmembers on SHA’s plan to redevelop the 561-unit
Yesler Terrace Public Housing Project. The discussion was timely because SHA
is now taking public comment on the draft EIS outlining alternatives now
under consideration for the Yesler Terrace site. Early next year, the City
Council also will be taking up SHA’s request for a rezone, alley vacations,
and other land use changes needed to accommodate their plan. for
more on this story click here:
City Hall: November 2010
Can We Achieve Social Equity While We Pursue "Smart
Growth"On September 20th Nick Licata, head of City Council’s
Housing Committee, hosted an overflow crowd of 200 at a forum entitled “Can
We Achieve Social Equity Using Smart Growth?”
Seattle is in the process of upzoning many neighborhoods, especially around
current or planned light rail stations for “transit-oriented development" in
the name of "Smart Growth". But what is the impact of those policies
on longtime low income residents and people of color who live where this
growth is being promoted?
For the complete
story click here:
0/6/2010 12:49:00 PM
budget gives way to special interests, not real needs
Last week, Mayor Mike McGinn presented his first budget to the Seattle City
Council. These are tough economic times, and the mayor needed to make up for
a $67 million drop in local tax revenues that normally would have supported
programs covered by the general fund, plus significant shortfalls in
non-general-fund sources such as user fees, utility rates, state and federal
revenue sources.
The mayor addressed these challenges by proposing a general-fund budget $13
million less than last year. Only police and fire departments avoided deep
cuts in city services and staffing. We’ll also face steep rate increases for
water, solid waste, electricity and parking. (Hats off to the mayor, though,
for minimizing cuts to human services)
But here are some things especially troubling to us. For starters, the parks
for full story, click here
recommit to low-income housing at Yesler Terrace
By John V. Fox and Carolee Colter
In a surprise decision, a
narrow majority of Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board voted to nominate
the community center building and steam plant at the 580-unit Yesler Terrace
Public Housing Project for landmark designation. If the Board affirms their
vote on October 6th these two structures would gain protection
under the state's Historic Landmark Laws.
However, another narrow
majority of the Landmarks Board declined to protect the rest of the site
saying it lacked historical value............
click here for full
Mercer Corridor Groundbreaking Sept 8th:
was sacrificed for Paul Allen’s Mercer Plan - Sen. Murray shares
responsibility along with our past and current Mayor and most of our City
They still need $100 million for
Mercer West Phase II – what other critical needs in our city will be
sacrificed to cover that cost?
click here for
Outside City
Hall: Aug 2010:
"In Praise of the 'Ave'
by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
We’re hearing it again, the
hue and cry from the University District Chamber of Commerce that the
“U-District” and its main thoroughfare, University Way or “the Ave,” have
become another Sodom and Gomorrah.
I’ve kept a UW Daily
from 1970 featuring the same stories we read today about the druggies
hanging out on the Ave and fears about rising crime rates. The Chamber is
quoted railing about all the street kids running amok and driving away
businesses and shoppers. They were hippies, not punkers or Goths back then
but the moaning and groaning sound like today.
for more of this story, click
Folke Nyberg Passes Away at Age 76: His contribution to our city's character
should be remembered!
Last week
Professor Emeritus, Architect,
Planner, and longtime "Neighborhood Activist" Folke Nyberg passed away from
prostrate cancer at the age of 76. While he was not so visible in recent
years on the political scene, for at least four decades Folke's writings as
well as his actions had a profound, albeit more often behind-the-scenes,
impact on Seattle's physical, social, and political landscape.
He also was a force whose inquiries into these
arenas had a great impact on the way I personally understand and respond to
these things.
Folke was for a time ......
for full story click here
Outside City Hall July 2010: A response to a
recent Publicola column pushing still more highrise office development for
Seattle's downtown by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
"There's nothing environmentally sound about the
effort to concentrate an even greater share of the region's jobs in
Seattle's downtown core. In fact it's just the opposite"
reprinted from July 7th edition of Pacific Publishing
Newspapers including North Seattle Herald - please circulate)
click here to read the column
Outside City Hall: June 2010 City Council
increases Seattle's growth targets by 30% - Neighborhoods fight back
You probably don't know this because no one down at
City Hall thought to tell you, let alone ask for your opinion on the
matter. But quietly two weeks ago the full City Council unanimously voted
to increase the City's twenty-year residential growth targets by over 30
percent. On top of that, they committed the City to increasing its total
share of the County's anticipated residential growth from 32 to about 37
percent during the period 2006 through 2031. Without a doubt, this will set
the stage for and provide the justification for still more upzones--at the
expense of the livability and affordability of our city.
click here for
full story or headline
housing” that workers can’t afford
On paper at
least, special government programs aimed at stimulating development of
housing for low and moderate income workers seem like a good idea. With most
government programs designed to serve the very poor, unemployed, elderly,
and disabled - those with little or no income, why not a few programs that
help encourage housing affordable to the average Joe or Joanne? Dubbed
“workforce housing” strategies, they include a variety of approaches
designed to reward developers who agree to offer a percentage of new units
in their projects at below market rates. Too bad though it’s these
developers and not workers who benefit from most of these programs
.Click here to see why
Outside City Hall May 2010 - Broad based Coalition
Turns Back Burgess Anti-Panhandling Law - Big Victory over Downtown Special
truly marvelous that happened this month — in fact, something that happens only
rarely, like the sighting last summer of a mountain bluebird in the Montlake
Fill. It left us feeling that exhilarated.
Broad-based opposition
A broad coalition cutting across class, race, and income lines — including
groups as diverse as the Community Council Federation, NAACP, the Minority
Executive Directors, ACLU, all Seattle Democratic Party Districts, church
leaders, and housing and homeless advocates (such as ourselves) — came together
and turned back Seattle City Councilmember Tim Burgess’ anti-panhandling
(“aggressive solicitation”) law.
remainder of story click here
OUTSIDE CITY HALL | The Year of Urban Agriculture: Can it happen
reprinted from March issue of Pacific Publishing Newspapers - Carolee
Colter and John V. Fox
Increasingly, what most
Americans eat is grown or raised hundreds if not thousands of miles away.
Every aspect of food production depends upon fossil fuels — in the form of
natural gas for fertilizer, and oil for farm machinery and transportation of
food to market.
In April 2008, the Seattle
City Council passed a resolution that outlined a series of actions toward
goals for increased access for Seattle’s residents to healthy and local foods,
integrating the food system into land use and transportation, and building
capacity to feed the population for two to three months in an emergency.
full story click here
Our unsung neighborhood
heroes: March 2004 reprinted from Pacific
Publishing Newspapers
- Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
There’s a group of activists who likely will never have
their names inscribed on a plaque. Only occasionally do you hear about them
when they’re quoted in the local media speaking out against freeway expansion
or working to save a grove of “heritage” trees or historic building threatened
by redevelopment in their neighborhood.
Without them, the physical and social character of our
city would be irrevocably different—more view-blocking high-rises, fewer
parks, and more concrete.
click here for the
rest of the story
OUTSIDE CITY HALL | Seattle's struggle between
economics, environment
from the North Seattle Herald and other Pacific Publishing Newspapers (Feb
you be pro-growth and still be "green"?
For decades, government and industry leaders and many who call themselves
environmentalists have claimed we can have economic growth and still protect
the natural world from destruction and pollution. In fact, some have claimed
that without growth, we can't provide that protection.
But with increased population and the buildup of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, it's becoming all too clear that economic growth and the finite
capacity of our planet are on a collision course....
Outside City Hall - Jan 15 '09: Bagshaw and
O’Brien on Monday cast their first significant Council vote
- In favor of spot zone for Vulcan Inc. in
Union – Only Nick Licata
votes ‘NO’ In case you didn't see or hear about it - there was
little media coverage on it - by a 7 to 1 vote, last Monday, the City
Council approved significant density and height allowances above normal
zoning requirements for the final phase of Vulcan’s redevelopment project
in South Lake Union. Taking the form of a text change to the zoning ......
Outside City Hall
(Jan 6th, 2010):
Our Answers to Mayor McGinn's Magic Three Questions
- by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
(reprinted from today's issue of the North Seattle Press and contained in
other Pacific Publishing Newspapers)
that Michael McGinn has been elected mayor, he’s undertaken a unique
exercise in community participation before even taking office. He’s asked
a small cadre of community leaders appointed to his advisory committee to
reach out to the public and the constituencies they represent for answers
to three questions.
here for full column
HALL | Seattle Children's expansion may be more business than usual - Dec.
09 - they attempt to run roughshod over neighborhoods and the city's rules
governing institutional expansion
By John V. Fox
and Carolee Colter
Over the last few
weeks Seattle Children's Hospital and its allies have unleashed a
no-holds-barred media campaign demanding that the City Council approve
Children's proposal to triple its development in the Laurelhurst
neighborhood, located just east of the University of Washington.
What Children's does not broadcast is that it spent several years and
thousands of dollars trying to block a competitor, Swedish Medical Center,
from providing new pediatric beds on the Eastside - more convenient to
sick kids from that area than Children's Laurelhurst location. Market
share - yes, a business (not medical) term - is a key factor in Children's
demand for tripling its development.
for full
story click here
CITY HALL Nov '09:
Anti-panhandling law not solution, but the problem itself
by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
With his planned
panhandling law, does Councilmember Burgess want to take us back 15 years
to the era of Mark Sidran and Margaret Pageler. As former city attorney
and City Council member respectively, Sidran and Pageler authored the
notorious "no-sitting" and "parks exclusion" laws and other anti-homeless
"civility" ordinances.
It was one of the most divisive times in Seattle's political history,
pitting churches, civil liberties groups, social services and homeless
advocates against the downtown establishment and chamber types. The
contentiousness spilled out into street protests, sit-ins, marches, civil
disobedience, numerous unruly public hearings, court challenges and even
death threats.
for rest of
story, click here
A look at the
Mayor’s race from an economic justice perspective: This
week - McGinn’s candidacy (next week Mallahan)
Let’s face it, from an
economic and racial justice perspective, there are problems with both Mike
McGinn and Joe Mallahan. I’m reserving final judgement
on whom I’m voting for until we have our meeting later in the week with
Mallahan. McGinn readily met with us after the primary
and here are my thoughts on his candidacy are informed by that meeting
From an economic and racial
justice perspective, I think there are some differences between the
Mayoral candidates that may be worth parsing out. For example, McGinn has
consistently given support to tent cities and the efforts of SHARE/WHEEL.
Our conversations with him........ (for full
story click here)
Outside City Hall October edition '09:
Press Coverage of our Current Local Elections and Questions
Going Unanswered and Unasked
As we head into the final elections for City
Council and Mayor, we’re surprised how little press coverage these races
have received. And how little of that focuses on where the candidates
actually stand on key issues.
We miss the P-I. The Times has
good reporters but their editors usually send them out to cover murder and
mayhem, not local politics. When mainstream TV does the occasional story
on local races, we get.......
(click here for full story)
Pricetag on 2-Way Mercer Plan Just Raised to $290
Million - While you weren't looking the Mayor increased project costs
another $90 million
- The City was short $50 million when it
was a $200 million dollar project
Outside City Hall: The upcoming local
elections - Our Thoughts for Mayor and the City Council Races (August
- by John V. Fox (one of our on-going columns - please feel free to
I just got through reading a host of candidate ratings, questionnaires,
blogs, and endorsements from various group's around town. It's enough to
make George Orwell (and me) laugh and cry.
You've got groups who make up "FUSE" a self proclaimed "progressive"
coalition endorsing corporate candidates like Sally Bagshaw and Jesse
Israel. Both candidates, especially Bagshaw are bankrolled by downtown,
Paul Allen, and real estate interests. Given who they've ignored, FUSE has
only demonstrated with their listing just how out of touch they are with
the Seattle political scene.
Outside City Hall
July 2009
by Carolee Colter and John
V. Fox
Myths about low income housing in Seattle: Where is
it? And so much for the Magnet Theory
Over the years we’ve heard
some neighborhood activists claim that Southeast Seattle has “become the
dumping ground” for the city’s social services and low-income housing.
They allege this has something to do with the
greater incidence of poverty there than elsewhere in the city. Crime,
they say, is the inevitable result. Stop giving us more than our share,
they say.
We’ve also heard fears that because of these services and housing,
Southeast Seattle has become a “magnet” attracting poor people from out of
state to congregate in this community seeking all these great programs.
Some of this sentiment fueled opposition to Casa Latina’s ill-fated plan
to relocate to North Rainier, as well as resistance to the Downtown
Emergency Service Center’s successful homeless housing project in Columbia
City. And we fear it may fuel opposition to the new housing levy on the
fall ballot.
As neighborhood activists
ourselves, we certainly understand such concerns. But the facts show that
Southeast Seattle has not been a recipient of an “unfair share” of low
income housing nor would it be accurate to call such development a social
burden.... (click on headline to read full story)
Outside City Hall: July 2009
Seattle Reaches 60% of 20-Year Growth Target in 5
Despite downturn, over 6500 units built since
Jan 08 in the city
We've reached 60% of our GMA 20-year
housing target in just 4 years and 3 months
All but one of the areas around light rail stations
are meeting or exceeding targets
"Who says upzones are needed when the city continues
to absorb far more than its share of the region's growth at the expense of
the physical and social character (and affordability) of our city" (
click on headline to read full story)
Outside City Hall: June 2009 reprinted from regularly appearing column in
the South Seattle Beacon and other Pacific Publishing Co. Newspapers
Mayor and City Council try again for Obama stimulus
funds for the Mercer Corridor Project – over $50 million!
- If funded Mercer would receive ten times
more stimulus funds than any other Seattle project and would be the only
transportation project receiving such funding despite a half-billion dollar
backlog of neighborhood bridge, street, and sidewalk repairs
- Biotech has tanked in South Lake
Union. Not because of the recent downturn, it is a long term trend only
exacerbated by current conditions!
- To top it off, newly released city and county data
shows that the number of jobs created in South Lake Union from 1995 to 2002
actually exceeded the number of jobs created there since 2002! Fewer jobs
have been created since the Mayor launched is vaunted biotech SLU agenda and
started pouring our tax dollars into that small patch of Seattle land (don't
believe us, then check our website out for more details)
our full column here
and click here for links
showing '0'
job growth in biotech sector
and for documentation on fall-off of jobs in South Lake Union in particular
articles and news
Update on council action on the housing levy for '09
Fall Ballot: Council moves to place new housing levy on the Fall ballot - Our
thoughts on Monday’s vote (June '09 story)
Council gives go-head but only after amending Mayor's proposal so
millions more are directed to the very poor
with changes that dramatically limit amounts for units serving at 80% of
median, we strongly urge voter approval
- its a levy we can
support and here is why.....
CITY HALL | Leave well enough alone: Housing levy should help the poorest
(May '09)
Changing the
levy to provide housing at rents thousands of dollars above what the average
family can afford in order to serve households with much higher incomes is not
a formula for winning voter approval in a deep recession.
Outside City Hall April '09: King County Releases 2008 Housing Benchmarks Report
Housing shortfall has grown for people below 40% of county-wide
median - report shows similar growing gap for Seattle's very low income
March '09: Outside City Hall: Legislature Kill's
Stimulus Funds for Mayor and Paul Allen's pet Mercer Project
What did Jan Drago (and the Mayor) know and when did they know it?
Rep. Clibborn says today that Drago knew last week that
funding wasn't in the stimulus package and so did the Mayor - So why then didn't Jan Drago and/or the Mayor inform the Council of
this fact before yesterdays 6-3 vote to release funding and break ground on
the Mercer project?
Transit Oriented Development (TOD's) Our comments, responses to our critics and our columns (Jan - March '09
Columns) expressing our opposition to the Transit Oriented Development
Bill defeated in '09 Legislative Session and Why We Opposed that bill HB 1490
City's '09 Budget contains $129 million for Paul Allen's
South Lake Union Plan; 5-Year CIP top $862 million (click here!)
(don't let them tell you they're ain't money out there to
maintain funding for the homeless and human services)
"When you count monies already spent on SLU including the
streetcar, city staffing & planning, use of Mercer land sale sale revenues in
SLU, the costs easily top $900 million! If they actually go ahead with 'phase
II' Mercer Plans - costs would easily top $1.1 Billion!"
* Mercer Corridor's full costs continue to rise: $230 million total and
that's only for "phase I".
City Council Releases another $30 million for Mercer & violates it's own budget
provisos and "best practices" Nov '08
Outside City Hall Vol XXXVII:Vote 'No' on Prop 1 Rail
Package and here's why:
"Even without a roads component,
the Prop 1 Transportation Package (really a rail package) is still a budget
busting, sprawl inducing, global warming carbon-emitting lemon and here's
Last year, we urged readers to oppose Proposition 1, the
regional transportation package that was placed on the November ’07 ballot. That $18 billion measure, including $7 billion for roads and most of
the rest for light rail, was soundly defeated. But
somehow the Sound Transit board interpreted that to mean they could come
back again this November with another $18 billion ballot measure, only this
time stripped of the roads component. Repackaged under the banner “transit now”,
Proposition 1 would pay for construction of 34 additional miles of
light-rail track, additional Sounder train service to the south, a First
Hill streetcar, and a handful of express buses. Even without roadway
funding, it’s still a global-warming, carbon-emitting lemon of a proposal
and here’s why:
Outside City Hall Vol XXXVI: Thirty
Years of City Politics Then and Now: (Oct.
'08) This is the thirty-first year of the Seattle Displacement Coalition’s
existence. Funny, it hardly seems that long since 1977 when we were established,
first as a task force to combat rising housing prices and removal of low-income
housing on Capitol Hill
Bulletin: Most workers in Seatte/King County can't afford a "workforce housing"
unit that is "set aside" under incentive zoning or the city's new multi-family
tax break plan at a rent level affordable to those at 80% of area median income.
Washington Employment Securities Data shows that most workers earn at or below
52% of area median! Click on headline for details:
Outside City Hall Vol. XXXV: A primer for the Mayor’s
pro-development agenda – when they use these phrases or words, look
out - by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox Seattle Displacement
Coalition September 2008 (version of this is printed in the Capitol
Hill Times and Beacon Hill News - click here to access it)
The Mayor and City Council are at it
again. As early as this September, they will be entertaining a proposal for
“incentive zoning” which would allow nearly a doubling of densities in
neighborhood business districts, mid-rise, and high-rise residential zones.
To prepare you for this onslaught, we have put together a citizen’s handbook
of planner jargon – nice-sounding euphemisms they’ll be spoon feeding you to
neutralize any concerns you might have about the changes coming to your
neighborhood. When you hear these phrases, watch out!
Outside City Hall Vol. XXXIV (July 2008): Coalition responds to councilmembers
defense of their vote to approve millions in developer tax breaks
- by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
Two months ago in this column we wrote about a pending City
Council vote on the Mayor’s Multi-Family Tax Exemption (MFTE) plan.It’s not new
to see Councilmembers ignore citizens and kowtow to the Mayor and his developer
pals. Nor is uncommon on controversial issues for
Councilmembers to launch into a rhetorical flourish just before voting the wrong
way when the public is so opposed to their action. It’s called damage control. What was particularly telling, though, was the rationale Councilmembers
used to justify their action.
for full story click here
Outside City Hall Vol. XXXIII: The Attack of the Townhouses by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
Councilmember Clark seems genuinely
interested in ensuring a more creative approach to townhouses. Unfortunately,
as we have seen over and over again, when discussions around zoning changes
begin at the community level with earnest dialogue, citizen workshops, and
lofty promises about reflecting community concerns and good design and other
highfalutin’ values in new zoning, once the final decisions are made, we get
something quite different.
click here for full story
Outside City Hall: Vol. XXXII: City moves ahead with
multi-family tax break giveaway plan - click here for full story
Click here for closer look at the Mayor's Multi-Family
Tax Break (MFTE) Giveaway Plan - & comparison of price of units in
new MFTE developments to what tenants can afford
link to incentive zoning
- also see how much our city nabe's
are exceeding their GMA (Growth Management) 2024 Targets - so where's the
public benefit link to income breakdown
also compare current rents in hot nabe's to MFTE rent
City Hall: Volume XXXI - Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
this year’s expiration of the voter-approved Pro Parks Levy of 2000, Seattle
faces the question of how to provide for its parks in the coming years. During its eight-year lifespan, the $198 million Pro Parks levy funded
acquisition of 42 acres of open space for parks, and 70 park development
projects. (click headline for full details)
We're also going "green" and moving toward "zero waste."
Our city council has passed a resolution against the Iraq War. Maybe it's
because of these civic gestures toward these national and global liberal
causes that a lot of people who consider themselves liberals, or even
progressives, seem to give the city of Seattle a pass when it comes to
confronting the more intractable problems of poverty, social inequality and
corporate control of government
Other stories
"Condo conversions and Demolitions
Ravage Seattle and Puget Sound Housing Markets - Thousands of low income
rentals lost in last 3 years (click here for
& Seven Seattle City Councilmembers
Urge Passage of HSB 2014 and language giving cities the right to place limits
on the number of condo conversions occurring in their community each year!
click here
By John W. Fox and Carolee Colter (reprinted from Beacon Hill News
Last month, voters soundly defeated
Proposition One, the $18 billion roads-and-transit package, an outcome we
applaud.We share the underlying goal: ending the expansion of roads, with a
massive shift of our transportation dollars to mass transit. But we do not
support a move to rail because that would only bankrupt this region of
resources we need for real transit solutions that get more people out of their
car. Here is our crack at a broad set of sane regional transportation
Outside City Hall Vol XXVII:
The Seattle City Council's 2008
budget follies overly favor South Lake Union
- Carolee Colter and John V. Fox (Seattle Displacement Coalition)
enough to lose public money on developers’ private gain.
But this year’s budget showers its largesse on just one company and darn near
one man, Vulcan, Inc.’s Paul Allen. Since 2001 over $100 million in city funds has gone into the redevelopment
of South Lake Union (SLU) but it’s just a fraction of what’s to come.
click here for full story
Outside City Hall column: Vol. XXVI:
The Transportation Package to Nowhere Prop 1
recent weeks, we’ve heard that some fellow progressives may cast their vote,
however reluctantly, in favor of Proposition 1, the transportation package
slated for the November ballot. Proposition 1 is the single most
wallet-busting, wasteful, regressive, carbon-emitting, elite-driven,
gridlock-ensuring, misguided funding request ever brought before the voters of
this region.
Outside City Hall: Vol. XXV:
Mayor seeks to subsidize developers and kill affordable
housing - by John V. Fox and Carolee Coulter
- city
council seeks your input on multi-family tax break giveaway plan
- a windfall for developers with no public benefit
- plan will actually spur still more displacement and loss of physical
character in our nabe's
Outside City Hall
Vol. XXIV:
Seattle’s urban forest is falling victim to the
relentless growth - John V Fox & Carolee Colter
A week before Father's Day, my
father John Noel Fox passed away in a congregate care facility in
Bellingham, just one month shy of 90. I had the difficult but very
real privilege of being there when he died, along with my sister and
one of his nurses.
It is painful to lose a loved one - to sit back and helplessly watch
him fade away. But I know that he lived a long and very good life.
My recollections of Charlie Chong
and why he was so important for our city: (May 24, 2007)
The City of Seattle lost a remarkable politician
and community activist last week. Charlie Chong passed away at age 80
from complications
following heart surgery. Actually it may be
incorrect to call Charlie a politician at all even though he ran for
Mayor twice and served on the City Council for one year in the mid-90’s. Call him the anti-politician, a more appropriate moniker given
his deep rooted populist sentiments and his disdain for the groupthink
so pervasive among most of our local politicians who once elected all
too quickly forget those who helped elected them.
Charlie never did. (shorter
version appears in Beacon Hill News/Capitol Hill Times)
Reprinted from this issue of the Beacon Hill News
Mayor's New Housing Agenda Downplays Low Income Needs In
Favor of Higher Income Groups
click here for full story
- future funding for low income housing
programs would have to be sacrificed to fund higher-end development
- the Mayor's proposed tax breaks for new high end development passes
added taxes onto existing lower priced rentals
- the Mayor's pro-density agenda threatens hundreds and hundreds of low
income units in our city!
- and makes a mockery of Seattle's
10-year plan to end homelessness by emphasizing higher income over low
Outside City Hall Vol XIX reprinted from front page of the Beacon Hill News
02/01/2007 :
Shoveling sand against the rising tide of condo
conversions - what can we do about stopping the continued loss
of our city's low income housing stock to conversion, demolition,
speculative sale and increased rent - John V. Fox and Carolee
Condo Conversion Bills SSB 5031 and HB 2014 Under
consideration: call or write them today - click
here for details & click
here to see joint letter calling on electeds to pass legislation giving
back to cities the right to limit the number of conversions devastating
their communities.
Outside City
Hall vol XVIII:
How deserved is Seattle's green reputation? reprinted from front
page of the Beacon Hill News (12/29/06)
After years of the
Bush administration with its "Clear Skies" and "Healthy Forests"
Initiatives, we've learned to be skeptical. But when it comes to local
government, it seems that the citizens of Seattle, especially those who
consider themselves environmentalists, are all too ready to believe the fine
words of our mayor and city council. Unfortunately it is "greenwashing" that
too often passes for sound environmental policy in this city. For example,
let’s take a look at our “leaders” apparent preference for an expanded I-520
bridge. There, you’ll find them responding to a different kind of green -
that being the demands of cold hard cash and feeding Seattle’s downtown
growth machine. And then there’s the Mayor’s Urban Forest Management Plan
that emphasizes planting new trees, but fails to address the loss of mature
trees. Here again, his plan to accommodate runaway density in Seattle fuels
the loss of our existing tree canopy – much of which is on private
“developable” land.
For full story
click here:
Other outside city hall columns & key city stories - see below and click on
XVII: Outside City Hall (reprinted from November 22nd 2006 edition of
Beacon Hill News-click
I the spring of 2005, the Mayor's office released a
23-page "action agenda" containing several dozen recommendations for
revitalization of Southeast Seattle. Developed with the help of the Rainier
Valley Chamber, Southeast Effective Development (SEED), Homesite, and
prominent area banking institutions, the agenda included a seemingly
innocuous recommendation for a “community renewal plan” for Southeast
Seattle. Leaping ahead to the fall of 2006, a firestorm in Southeast Seattle
has been ignited over the Mayor's attempt to implement that plan. It calls
for the City Council to designate a special "community renewal area" or CRA
with boundaries stretching from I-90 to the south city line and encompassing
nearly every block between Martin Luther King Way and Rainier Avenue.
"Community Leaders
sign letter opposing SHA/Mayor/City Council Appointment of Sybil Bailey to the
SHA Board & decry council and Mayor's use of Karl Rove tactics"
(Sept '06)
click here for full story and to read open letter from activists and residents
to the City Council
click here for our column on the Bailey appointment:
Outside City Hall Sept '06 (reprinted
from the Beacon Hill News)
Outside City Hall Column August 2006:
SEATTLE’S “BIG DIG”: Why we say
'NO' to the Mayor's Tunnel Proposal Ever since the 2001 Nisqually
earthquake cracked and weakened the Alaskan Way Viaduct, we as a city have
faced a serious problem which will take serious money to solve. Serious as in billions of dollars. Mayor Nickels
knew what he wanted right away—tear down the viaduct, replace it with a
tunnel. Eventually given the $5 billion price tag, the tunnel was shortened bringing the cost down to a mere
$3.6 Billion. That is, if you don’t think cost overruns
will happen here, as they did in Boston’s “Big Dig” which mushroomed from $5
to $14 billion.
Click here for full story
Outside City Hall Column: Trees Equal Good Health
- We don't prevent sprawl by sacrificing Seattle's Trees and Greenery - Carolee Colter and John V. Fox June
28, 2006
When we're not busy uncovering the high jinks of our mayor and his wealthy
backers, or striving to save low-income housing from destruction by
developers, or urging the city council to hold Seattle Authority
accountable for its use of public funds, we both have a pastime for
relaxation and renewal - watching birds
click here for rest of story.
A Fishy Legislative Stew is Cooking up at City Hall"
OUTSIDE CITY HALL: A view of issues affecting Seattle's Neighborhoods by
Carolee Colter and John V. Fox 2/23/06 Things are heating up down at city hall. Our column this time
is an attempt to give readers a heads-up on key issues our city leaders will
be addressing over the coming year. Call it our hit parade of what really
matters to the neighborhoods, particularly communities often left out when
city resources are distributed.
OUTSIDE CITY HALL 1/12/06: "Who Will Bell
the SHA Cat" reprinted from January 06
Beacon Hill News) by Carolee Colter and John V. Fox
Much is
said about the need for accountability in government spending, but when it
comes to action, we’re like the mice in Aesop’s fable asking, “Who will bell
the cat?” A provision in a bill from state representative Mark Miloscia might
just put a bell on the cat’s collar when it comes to Seattle Housing
Authority’s continued destruction of low-income housing and the use of state
money to pay for it.
"Local Unsung Heroes Recognized for their Community Advocacy": OUTSIDE CITY HALL December 2005: Since
the holidays are a time of good cheer, the two of us thought we would shift
the attention of this column away from our usual focus on our city leader’s
hapless misadventures. In the spirit of the season let’s turn from our
city’s dismal lack of leadership at the top and the pessimism it engenders to
look instead down into our communities where real leadership is always found.
There are many unsung heroes out there working away at the grassroots and for
this column what we want to do is feature some of them who because of their
tireless efforts actually give us hope for our city’s future.
News flash: South Lake Union Streetcar Benefits Go to 17
Large Property Owners While Small Property Owners Get Socked!
Coalition's review of streetcar
assessment roles for each property owner shows that Paul Allen, Clise
Properties, Fred Hutch, Seattle Times and 13 other large propery owners will
reap the lion's share of benefit - $36 million - but pay only $13 million of
the streetcar's cost. Allen makes $21.4 million but pays only $7.9.
Meanwhile 100 small property owners are socked with large payments while
receiving nothing in the way of real benefit. Click
here for a breakdown and look at how much each property owner will pay and how
much each will gain
Outside City Hall By Carolee Colter and John V. Fox:
Aug 05: click on headline for full story and
to see other columns by Colter and Fox
Comparing Seattle's Downtown to Vancouver: They
combine density with more public control over growth...here in
Seattle we just giveaway the farm
Seattle officials like to tell us
we’re too provincial. When they want
us to swallow some grand scheme, they’ll point to Copenhagen, Singapore,
Manhattan, even Portland and tell us we’ve got to emulate them and “grow
up”. Now we’re being urged to look north to Vancouver.
For an interesting demographic comparison of Seattle
and Vancouver click here:
stories and headline news (click on story):
Housing Authority's Rainier Vista HOPE VI celebration Aug 11, hides major
problems, possible cost overruns, and violations of court-enforced
obligations to low income residents and the Displacement Coalition.
click here for full story
"Strippergate Can't Hold a Corrupt Candle to
Strippergate” is back in the
news. While too much has been said about “Strippergate,"
little or nothing has been said or done about more important and
far-reaching examples of how special interests shape city decision-making.
(July '05 Outside City hall by John Fox and Carolee Colter)
Analysis: How Each Councilmember Performed on Monday’s
June 27th Street Car Vote (see below):
Votes 7-2 to Go-Ahead with Paul Allen's Street Car"
Vulcan Attacks Licata's Attempt to Restrict Use of
Future Bus Service for the South Lake Union Street Car!
(See Vulcan form letter attached below)
* While the Council is
likely to release funding for the South Lake Union Street Car on Monday, they
may back away from a committing future neighborhood bus service for trolley
operations. Only your calls will make the difference Testimony before
hearing from some of you also is needed. (Click on headline for details)
For more information, also see current Outside City Hall
Opinion Vol X JOHN V. FOX & CAROLEE COLTER: reprinted from the Capitol Hill
Times entitled: "The travesty of the Lake Union Street Car" click on this
"Plan to end homelessness ignores root causes"
of issues affecting Seattle's neighborhoods reprinted from Beacon Hill News
and Capitol Hill Times 05/25/2005
Every day in King County over 50 social service agencies
provide shelter and/or counseling to 2,500-3,000 homeless people. City and
county governments fund these programs to the tune of over $20 million a year.
Nevertheless, the number of homeless on our streets has continued its
relentless upward climb. A new effort has recently emerged boldly calling
itself the committee to End Homelessness. Over two dozen social service
agencies, church organizations, King County, the City of Seattle and United
Way have combined forces and promised to guarantee "a roof over every bed" by
2014. But in spite of its goal to "end homelessness, not manage it," the plan
is conspicuously lacking in programs and strategies that would attack the
problem at its roots.
"Seattle's empty promise of preserving affordable
housing and what can we do to change that"
04/28/2005 (Reprinted from the Beacon Hill News)
Every year we lose about
2,000-4,000 low-income units to demolition, speculative sale, abandonment,
conversion and increased rents. For every one unit we build with limited
public funds, we lose three to four times that amount to the forces of
redevelopment and gentrification. As we write this column, the land use
committee of the Seattle City Council is entertaining changes to the downtown
land use plan and zoning changes elsewhere around town proposed by the mayor.
This will translate directly into the loss of even more low-income housing in
our city.
May 12, 2005 Bulletin: Mayor Holds Glitzy Press
Conference on top floor of federal building - releases his new plan to max
out downtown
- PR event cannot disguise the fact that his plan is
little more than a blueprint for more housing demolition, abandonment,
increased rents, and more homelessness in our City!
- Mayor times his PR event to push Councilmember Steinbrueck and other
councilmembers into acting precipitously and before his plan has even been
vetted by the Law Department and before there is adequate opportunity for
council review or public comment
- Mayor's plan wipes out last vestiges of Citizens CAP initiative and crams
still more highrises and more density into downtown with all its attendant
impacts on our neighborhoods
May 12 2005: Displacement Coalition Bulletin #45: (please
circulate) Special benefits study shows South Lake Union
property owners will rake in 70-80 million in increased property values if
streetcar gets go-ahead but they refuse to pay more than $25 million of the
cost. - Limiting property owners contribution while
passing much of the cost on to taxpayers apparently is OK with the Mayor and
most Councilmembers. And guess who gets the lions share of that increased
value? Yep - it's Paul Allen! Let the Mayor and Councilmembers know what you
think about this one.
Outside City Hall Vol VII: Mar 2005 Issue: reprinted from Beacon Hill News
The fight to locate Casa Latina in Rainier
Valley - One wonders, whose neighborhood is this? (click here for full story)
controversy around the plans for the old Chubby & Tubby site on Rainier Avenue
reveals the outlines of a struggle for the soul of Rainier Valley.
Despite the fact that Casa Latina provides jobs, counseling and other services
to a population of Latinos that make up a significant percentage of the
Southeast Seattle population (about 8 percent), the scions of the business
community were outraged that the city was willing to provide funds for CASA
Latina at this location. Given that 40 percent of all Rainier Valley residents
are foreign-born, one wonders why the Chamber would cast such a negative light
on a program that serves immigrants (click headline above for full story).
Outside City Hall Vol VI: Feb 2005 Issue: reprinted from Beacon Hill News
“Help Wanted: A New Mayor for Seattle"Someone
with name familiarity, lots of dollars or ability to raise them, and proven
leadership experience, willing to take on Greg Nickels for Mayor in 2005. A
large coalition of community leaders seek strong leader who will give first
priority to our neighborhoods and small businesses, with the goal of ensuring
equity, jobs, and affordable housing for low income people, communities of
color, and others now marginalized by the policies of our current Mayor... click
here or on headline for full story
Outside City Hall Vol V: November 2004 Issue: reprinted from Beacon Hill News
Hundreds of "Scattered Site" Public Housing Units
Threatened by SHA's plan to sell off many of these very low income units:
Other Stories:
Outside "City Hall Column" Vol.
VI reprinted from Dec 2004 edition of Beacon Hill News written by John V.
Fox and Carolee Colter of the Coalition
Seattle's high
density growth plans may be a neighborhood killer in disguise
"For over three decades neighborhood groups,
low-income housing advocates, and environmental organizations have worked
together. Their collective efforts led to passage of the Growth Management
Act, Shorelines Act, and other environmental laws. They blocked the Bay
Freeway, the I-90 and 520 expansions and a host of other bad auto-oriented
projects. They worked together, locally, to secure support for growth limits
on downtown high-rise expansion, controls on demolition of low-income
housing and helped preserve the Pike Place Market. Now it seems, in an
attempt to advance an aggressive pro-density agenda, our mayor and a few
other elected officials are trying to pull these natural allies apart."
For Full Story, click here or go to
the Beacon Hill News Website at
Update on Mercer
Decision - November 3, 2004
Council votes to fast-track and limit environmental
assessment while SDOT also has revoked earlier decision to require an EIS!
- There will be no comprehensive or complete environmental
impact statement for this $200 million megaproject and mega waste of city
- Ordinance and Resolutions releasing the Mercer Corridor
funds Re-Crafted to Guarantee there will be NO state or federal EIS review
nor study of less costly options that might really do something to relieve
traffic congestion in the area.
- What is the City Council doing releasing $1.8 million in
limited city funds for study and environmental review when we already know
they're going to conclude No EIS is necessary?
November 1st
2004 Counncil Vote on Mercer Corridore
Mercer Corridor Update: Review of Monday Nov. 1st 2:00PM Council
Chambers Final Vote - See how each councilmember voted
- City Council votes to release $1.8 million in city
funds to fast track study of the Mayor's $200 million 2-Way Mercer "Non-Fix"
Another $600,000 in 2005 City General Funds may also be released!
- Only
Licata (and to a degree Conlin) spoke for neighborhoods/Licata will present
motion Monday to redirect funds for critical bridge repairs and other real
needs in our city
Most recent past headlines (click
on for details):
Volume IV:
Outside City Hall reprinted from Beacon Hill News
City Budget - Good or bad for our neighborhoods and low income people?"
- A View of Issues Affecting
Seattle’s Neighborhoods (October 2004)
- John
V. Fox, Carolee Colter, Seattle Displacement Coalition
This year Mayor Nickels offered a kinder and gentler
budget for Seattle residents spotlighting all he is going to do for
neighborhoods but are his budget proposals all that neighborhood friendly...
Well not really. Click on headline to read our commentary)
This is the fourth in a series of monthly commentaries from the Seattle
Displacement Coalition reprinted from the Beacon Hill News/South District
Journal - October edition
News Flash!! What's in 2005 budget
for Mayor's South Lake Union Agenda!
Click here to see what the Mayor has inserted in the 2005
City Budget and the 2005-2010 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to serve his South
Lake Union/Paul Allen Agenda
Volume III of our commentaries reprinted from Beacon Hill News:
"Councilmembers allow Mayor to move ahead with
planning for the South Lake Union Streetcar - opens door for huge hit on the
City budget. Mayor also angling to tap neighborhood bus service and
still more of our tax dollars for other South Lake Union frills!" - A View of Issues
Affecting Seattle’s Neighborhoods Vol. III - John V. Fox, Carolee
Colter Seattle Displacement Coalition (This column is the 3rd of a series
of monthly commentaries from the Seattle Displacement Coalition reprinted
from the Beacon Hill News/South District Journal - Sept 2004)
"Outside City Hall" Vol. II (Aug 2004) - A View of Issues Affecting Seattle’s Neighborhoods - Why the Mayor's plan to push more density into our neighborhoods
does not guarantee affordability or prevent sprawl by Carolee Colter & John V. Fox, Seattle Displacement Coalition (This column is second of a series of monthly commentaries from the Seattle
Displacement Coalition reprinted from the Beacon Hill News)
Outside City Hall (July 2004) -
A View of Issues Affecting Seattle’s Neighborhoods
Vol. I- John V. Fox, Seattle Displacement
Coalition (This is the first in a series of monthly commentaries
featured in the Beacon Hill News from the Seattle Displacement Coalition)
Headline: click on it for details:
Against a backdrop of declining revenues and pressing
neighborhood needs, what's the Mayor doing with his time? While neighborhood
folks have trouble finding even one city planner and must compete for small
grants that must be matched with their “sweat equity”, quite literally as much
as 40 percent of all city staff time is now devoted to the redevelopment of
South Lake Union. Here’s a quick rundown on only some of the Mayor’s
on-going plans in South Lake Union and what it will cost you in public dollars:
Coalition Bulletin: Update and Analysis
of Council Committee Vote Yesterday on the SLU Streetcar:
"New Council Members Dilute Conlin-Licata Proposals so
some City Funds can still be used for South Lake Union Streetcar - New bus
service to our neighborhoods also remains at risk" -
Some restrictions on use of city funds were imposed but loopholes mean
millions in City funds are still at risk needed to meet neighborhood and human
service needs in our city
(August 16th 2004)
Other recent stories from the last month (click on headline):
"Over 130 community leaders sign letter to City Council
saying no city, state, or federal funds should be used for the South Lake
Union Streetcar" (August 9, 2004)
(click here to see full text of letter from community
leaders or on headline above)
- 9000 hours of
city-wide bus service are threatened as Mayor seeks to cut deal with METRO to
have them operate trolley
There's a half billion dollar backlog of neighborhood
transportation needs and this is what the Council is doing with it's time and
our taxdollars - figuring out how to help Paul Allen build his trolley to
nowhere! Expect more cuts to human services and to neighborhood programs next
year to pay for it as well. Bus Service may also be cut back in Seattle
to cover operating expenses.
Allen should pay for his own darn trolley!!"
Click here on on this headline for more on
Coalition position (July 14, 2004)
Bulletin 56: (June 16th 2004)
Displacement Coalition Begins Series of Monthly Columns
in Beacon Hill News called "Outside City Hall
- a view of issues affecting Seattle's
neighborhoods" 1st column "why the Mayor's plans for South Lake Union affect
Southeast Seattle"
(June 16, 2004)
people including many residents turned out last week to tell SHA they
will fight the
loss of any of the 580 public housing units on site at Yesler Terrace"-
a report on the June 10th Forum on the Future of Yesler Terrace (June 16, 2004)
Bulletin #55
Housing/Homeless Advocates Weigh-In on New
Library & Volunteers Really Needed for U-District Shelter Programs (June 3, 2004)
Citizen's Transportation Advisory Committee Today Reveals $500 Million Backlog
of Neighborhood Transportation Needs - Meanwhile the Mayor
busies himself and two dozen of his staff with plans for a $50 million Street
Car and $200 million in other transportation improvements for South Lake Union! (May 25, 2004)
"SHA Announces Plan to Sell-Off 200 Scattered Site
Public Housing Units - Promises 100 percent replacement..... but will they?"
(May 10, 2004)
Impact Areas to be extended to U-District, Downtown, Lower Queen Anne, and
Central Area - Hearing Tomorrow Tuesday, May 11th, 5:30PM in
Council Chambers" - It's called appeasing the downtown and chamber
crowd and pushing the poor around. Meanwhile absolutely nothing
substantive is done to stop the destruction of low income housing in our city
and these areas, and they continue to cut funding for community-based alcohol,
drug treatment, and mental healthcare. (May 10, 2004)
"SHA has longterm plans to destroy Yesler
Terrace's 580 Public Housing Units" - Broad Coalition forms to prevent loss of public housing - You are invited to a
"Large Community Forum" called for June 10th 6:00 PM at Bailey Gatzhert School
to collective voice our concerns and hear your concerns. (May 10, 2004)
Report on HOPE VI by John McLaren":
click here for the full report which provides a
useful and important analysis of the status of this federal program and how it
has been used here locally and nationally as a tool to dismantle our nation's
and city's public housing stock.
See below and click on headline for more stories from
this year:
Community Leaders Call for Council Delay and
Review of Pending Multi-Million Dollar South Lake Union Land Sale Involving
City and Vulcan-Owned Properties - And a call for hearings and re-establishment of the Public-Private
Partnership Review Committee to review pending plans (April 28th)
What's So Sustainable About the Mayor and Vulcan's Plans in South Lake Union? A report on what happened last Wednesday at
Councilmember Richard Conlin's Brown Bag Lunch "Achieving Sustainable
Development in South Lake Union" (April 16th)
Update/analysis of vote on Car Impound Law,City Budget &
"TIF" (Tax Increment Financing & How some of your electeds
(March 31st):
Mayor Returns Vulcan's Illegal Office Fund
Contributions in Wake of Coalition's Complaint (March 24th, 2004)
"Press Release: Coalition Files Ethics Complaint Against
Mayor & Vulcan for unlawful contributions to Mayor's Office Fund"
(Mar 24th, '04)
Bulletin: Multi-Family Tax Breaks Approved Today in Full Council"
- See how each
councilmember voted" (March
15, 2004)
Response to Councilmember Tom Rasmussen's
Position on the Proposed Multi-Family Tax Abatement Program" (Mar 11, '04)
Council poised to give away tax breaks to developers, passing on to you
another $20-$30 million in added property taxes while homeowners and Seattle
tenants will face higher
rents! - Call your councilmembers today - oppose “multi-family tax
abatement” giveaway!" (Mar
7, '04)
"Coalition calls for City Council resolution
establishing a task force to study displacement in our neighborhoods. Six
month study would end with passage of new
laws put in place before the Mayor's upzones are implemented that will
accelerate loss of low income housing in our city" (Feb 18, 2004)
For archived city bulletins going back to 2003 click
Seattle Displacement Coalition's
The Seattle
Displacement Coalition is a
26 year-old region-wide low income housing organization, made up of low income residents, the homeless, and representatives of social service,
church, civil rights, women's, and community-based organizations. It is a
volunteer community organization with a staff of 1-3 people depending on
its current funding and current activities. The Coalition was created to
provide a forum for affected people and their supporters to call for
preservation and expansion of low income housing and other measures that
ensure a fairer distribution of economic and political resources in the
Seattle/King County area. The Coalition has a long track record of
building successful campaigns around winnable low income housing
legislation and it has successfully represented and built leadership and
participation among groups of low income tenants, and the homeless
challenging developer/city actions that threaten those communities.
The Seattle
Displacement Coalition
works with low income and homeless people - and people at risk of becoming
homeless - of all racial, age, and economic backgrounds. Through direct
action strategies, we organize affected people around real objectives that
will make a difference in people's everyday lives while developing a
capacity among these groups to move on to larger system-redefining
objectives. We also link the activity of affected groups to the
activities of a broader area-wide coalition that includes church, civil
rights, community, and labor organizations that supports not dominates a
homeless and low income agenda.
Issues the Coalition is
currently addressing: For more
specific on-going 2004 activities
jump here
1. Housing Issues Campaign designed to prevent the
continuing loss of low income housing in our city to demolition,
abandonment, conversion, speculative sale and increased rents:
This initiative is designed
to focus the work of housing and homeless organizations, and homeless and
low income people themselves, around winnable legislative objectives, by
broadly publicizing the need for a renewed housing movement through
publication of regular e-mail bulletins ,and then directing that energy and
participation into a campaign to secure housing reforms in Seattle.
A Right of First Refusal Law
would give tenants in low income housing the right to form their own
non-profit or link up with an existing non-profit and buy the apartments
they are renting if that housing is slated for demolition or speculative
sale. These tenants also would be given access to public funds needed to
assist them in that purchase so their buildings could be converted into
cooperatives, land trusts, or other forms of permanent low income housing.
Click here for a copy of our proposed right of first refusal law.
Council Resolution Creating a Task Force to Assess Displacement
now occurring in our neighborhoods. The 15 member task force appointed by
the head of the Council's Housing Committee and staffed by the Office of
Housing would have six months to assess the problem, compile data, and come
up with a set of legislative recommendations for Council adoption before the
Council moves forward with the Mayor's plans for significant upzones of
several neighborhoods in the City. We must have housing preservation
mechanisms in place before any further changes in zoning occur that would
only accelerate the loss of low income housing in our city. See above
headline for more information or
click here to
jump to another web page for more information on our anti-displacement
2. “Homeless Civil Rights Organizing”: a continuance of our
campaign to build participation among homeless people of all ages around the
goal of turning back laws and local government actions that threaten the
civil rights of the homeless, and to link that participation with active
support from civil rights, church, community, and labor groups. . We
aim to redirect public policy back towards provision of housing, jobs, and
services rather than jails for the homeless. Measures implemented during
the Sidran/Pageler era at City Hall that must be overturned include the
"no-sitting law", pedestrian interference law, car impound law, use of
trespass admonishments, and parks exclusion law. For information on why
Mark Sidran should never be elected to public office again, let alone the
position of State Attorney General, click on the box just below for a
compilation of his dismal anti-homeless and anti-civil rights agenda. For
more information on the specifics of each of these anti-homeless laws, click
jump to anti-homeless laws discussion.
4. Holly
Park, Rainier Vista, and Senior Housing - Holding SHA
Accountable :
For several years the Seattle Displacement Coalition has been engaged in a
concerted effort to hold our Seattle Housing Authority accountable to its
underlying mission of providing units to our City's poorest residents. In
1997, we worked to ensure 100 percent replacement of any units lost at
Holly Park due to SHA's HOPE VI redevelopment of that site. Our efforts
did not stop the destruction of over 400 low income public housing units
but it did result in passage of a low income housing replacement plan in
which SHA committed to contributing dollars towards off-site replacement
of a portion of those units. We helped bring together representatives of
labor, housing, and community groups and launched a campaign to challenge
SHA’s plans at Rainier Vista as well - another HOPE VI project that will
result in the loss of 170 public housing units. As a result of a lawsuit
we filed against that project (joining Friends of Rainier Vista and
tenants represented by Columbia Legal Services and the NW Justice
Project), we were able to force SHA to solidify an off-site replacement
plan and secured commitments from them to undertake efforts to avoid loss
of low income public housing at Yesler Terrace when they launch
redevelopment plans at that 550 unit site. We also won a commitment to
rollback rent increases on the 1000 unit Senior Housing Bond Program(SSHP)
and to look at alternatives to that policy. The result was a permanent
rollback of the rent increase for low income seniors the program coupled
with more modest increases over time on higher income residents living in
SSHP units. We also organized residents of this program so that now in
each building under this program, there are representives who participate
in a resident based organization made up of program residents. This group
the SSHP Advocates have a board and are not effectively representing their
own interests.
We will continue to monitor SHA’s compliance with its housing
replacement obligations at each of its HOPE VI projects (where over 1000
public housing units were torn down). We will seek to redirect SHA
projects like its current plans for the 550 unit Yesler Terrace Public
Housing Project that would cause the loss of additional low income units,
and instead promote alternatives that ensure "no net loss" of existing
public housing. Due to federal budget cuts and regulatory changes,
housing authorities across the country are dismantling their low income
housing by converting it to market rate, selling it off for market rate
development, or moving to mixed income strategies rather than serving
those most in need. By maintaining a broad coalition of church leaders,
community leaders, housing advocates, social service providers, and
affected people themselves, we will seek to prevent further losses of
public housing here in Seattle. Five years ago, the Displacement
Coalition working with a broader coalition of these groups secured
passage of a state measure that restructured the Seattle Housing
Authority - expanding the board, forcing more frequent review of current
board appointments, and requiring city council approval of all board
appointments and extension of board appointments. Also the law required
that 2 of 7 members of the board now are public housing residents. It
also strengthened conflict of interest language. The effect of this bill
has been to force more accountability out of this agency.
4. Homeless Youth Organizing and Housing Project :
In total for this project we raised over $40,000 which covered our
1996-1997 expenses. We also entered into a relationship with the Low
Income Housing Institute and secured a significant Stewart McKinney
Grant which paid for the purchase of a single-family home (under LIHI’s
name) and that covered most operating expenses. After helping launch this
effort and ensuring that it would continue, this project was split from
the Coalition. It now is a task force of the Church Council and to a
large degree, it retains the unique characteristics of the project that
distinguished it as one of the state’s only truly “independent living”
projects for homeless youth.
5. Challenging development and policy decisions that
cause displacement: A
key focus of ours is to challenge the misdirection of limited city
resources - the city’s continued commitment to spending for downtown
development and in South Lake Union at the expense resources we need for
low income housing and our neighborhoods. In the past, we sued the City
and filed a complaint with HUD charging misuse of federal Section 108
funds for development of a new Nordstrom store and a downtown parking
garage. These were federal monies had been intended to curb blight and
address low income needs. Our complaint forced changes in the Section 8
program and because of former Norm Rice's role in the deal, it cost him a
cabinet position.
The Downtown Office
Boom - Who Wins? Who Loses
& Why Seattle Should
Not Become Another Manhattan
For more on
the costs and impacts of our city's love affair with downtown
** Click here for opinion piece with photos
** Click here for extended analysis of why Seattle
should not
become another Manhattan and a look at alternative
growth options for Seattle and the region
The Coalition "Bench Project"
Click on the
photo for a picture of one of the Coalition's 30 benches built by
volunteers and dispersed throughout the City. It is an atte
to 1) provide a needed amenity in community business districts where
cooperating merchants requested them, and 2) to make a statement against
our City's "no-sitting" law approved in '92 sponsored by none other than
Mark Sidran and Margaret Pageler with support of Mayor Rice. This law is
an explicitly anti-homeless (and anti-city) measure that only serves to
drive a deeper wedge in our community between rich and poor and black and
white. The answer of course to people sitting on the sidewalk is BENCHES,
not banning sitting and the more the merrier. The benches were designed
and constructed of heavy duty materials weighing about 80 pounds each.
Most were built 3-4 years ago and can be seen in areas like Ballard and
Capitol Hill. The Bench Project also was a great community builder for
our supporters and is a classic example of "direct action". For those
interested in doing another bench project, give us a call or e-mail us.
Established by a formal board vote in 1977. these practices have been
functioning effectively since then. They are affirmed regularly through
board action and identified in all of our grant applications when such
information is requested.
The Seattle Displacement Coalition is composed primarily
of people directly affected by the low income and homeless issues we are
addressing. In addition, the Coalition draws support and volunteers from
representatives of church, labor, civil liberties, community, women's, and
social service organizations, and the larger residential communities.
More than 500 people have attended at least two Coalition initiated
activities in the past year. The active "core" of the organization is
comprised of about 50-75 people who regularly participate in the on-going
activities of the organization and includes people of color, people of
diverse socioeconomic levels (at least 50 percent low income), and people
of different ages. For every issue we address, the work of the Coalition
is heavily weighted towards securing increased levels of involvement and
building leadership among people who are homeless, senior citizens, and
low income.
The Board of the Coalition is a standing group that varies
from 10-20 people who confer regularly to set directions, undertake
fundraising, and identify key issues that the Coalition will work on in
any given year or month (see attached list of participants and their
socioeconomic backgrounds). Decisions at these board meetings are made by
a process of democratic consensus. All must agree, and if that is not
possible we revert to “majority rule.” In those rare cases where we
revert to majority rule, only those who have attended at least two
previous board meetings may vote. Policy direction and issue selection
are set at these larger boardmeetings and the activities of the
subcommittees are reviewed and approved at these boardmeetings. Each
subcommittee reports back to the Coalition board at meetings of the
Board. It is within these subcommittees where strategies and actions are
determined for that issue. Meeting times are set by participants within
each subcommittee and all decisions are made by a process of democratic
consensus. These committees are made up primarily of people directly
affected by that issue, with staff and interested boardmembers attending
and assisting in particular subcommittee activities. Staff and
consultants for the Coalition function as organizers and trainers,
identifying and encouraging leaders and promoting participation, sharing
their skills and expertise on issues, providing the subcommittees with
access to the Coalition's office space, and its copying, mailing, phone,
and other office resources. Staff and consultants also assist in
fundraising, and in helping to coordinate volunteer activity. Staff and
Coalition boardmembers always function in a level as "co-equals". Over
our 26 year history, we have not given ourselves titles other than
boardmembers and participants and spokerspersons who operate within these
committees, with the aim of bringing out the innate skills of all
participants - especially the homeless and other low income people.
The subcommittees are given a high degree of autonomy, and as they
progress with their work, if they deem it necessary, may even establish
their own independent identity. When appropriate, the Displacement
Coalition has encouraged this because it creates a greater sense of
ownership of that effort. Over time in this way, the Coalition has
generated efforts that have evolved into their own self-sustaining
organizations. It also is a way for the Coalition to make very
effective use of our limited resources.
The Coalition maintains one full-time "coordinator"
experienced in organizing around low income housing issues in the
Seattle/King County area. John Fox has coordinated numerous successful
campaigns for the Displacement Coalition - campaigns that have generated
self-sustaining low income organizations and produced meaningful
legislation and resources to the benefit of low income people. The
Coalition also has hired other employees and consultants to run aspects
of its operation in the past
The volunteers, homeless participants and advocates, and
organizational representatives playing a direct role in carrying out
these projects/ In total, those participating in this project at an
active level, carry many years of combined organizing experience and
work in the community.
To contact us and for volunteer
Seattle Displacement Coalition 4554 12th NE * Seattle *
Washington * 98105 * ph: 206-632-0668 *
Coordinator: John V. Fox
The Mark Sidran Rap Sheet